Derek Arden Print this Page

Negotiate to achieve the impossible

Knowing how to negotiate effectively is a crucial skill for everyone in life.

There are 2 kinds of people in the world: those who negotiate and those who don’t. There are also two prices in the world: the price for those who negotiate and the price for those who don’t. Everyday, businesses spend far too much money on everything from stationary, to premises, to accountancy fees.

At the very moment profits are lowest, costs are highest. However, it doesn’t have to be that way. A good rule of thumb is to begin by assuming that everything is negotiable – and to have planned in advanced what you want to achieve. With a pound of preparation, an ounce of bravery and a pinch of competitiveness, everyone can get a better deal.

Your first negotiation is always with yourself. Make sure you believe that everything and anything is negotiable – even the impossible – because it is.

Speaking at East Kent B2B  on 10 September 2013 at Augustine House, Canterbury, Kent

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